writing skills

Get it Write! A masterclass for Paraplanners

Helping clients to understand advisor’s recommendations is no easy task.  Neither is turning dry data into messages that are straightforward and actionable. This engaging and practical session will steer you away from communication traps, lay down some communication ground rules so that you can strike the right tone, build trust and write clearly and concisely.

This in turn will help clients to achieve their objectives. Remember they want you to take the pain away from their financial situation, not add to it by writing lengthy, complex and dense documents. Consumer Duty is calling for the industry to improve the readability of reports – this session will show you how.

Learning objectives

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Understand 3 ground rules for effective communication so that you build trust and your client takes action
  • Apply 3 techniques that can help when conveying technical information
  • Use seven tips to help with report writing
  • Write emails that get actioned
  • Apply techniques to craft engaging blogs and articles

The session includes real life examples of poor writing from suitability reports. Participants will be asked to edit the paragraphs using the ideas, tips and techniques that are being offered. It was run twice in September 2020 for the Personal Finance Society and was extremely well received. It was an hour long with questions, however it could be adapted to meet your needs.

To get a taster of my material you can watch that talk by clicking on the image below:

I’ve worked with Melissa on simplifying and creating more engaging client communications within the world of financial services where the use of jargon and gobbledegook is common place. We delivered online sessions during the COVID pandemic attracting an audience of over 1000. Feedback from delegates was incredibly positive with one person stating that they learnt for from spending an hour with Melissa than all their years at school. I highly recommend Melissa and her practical approach to improving

John Dear, Membership and Engagement Director, Personal Finance Society

“The session was extremely helpful. Material that is typically difficult to deliver and understand through this medium, but Melissa broke it down into easily digestible chunks, with great explanations.”

Jason Cannan, Tilney

“You have delivered a really useful webinar Melissa. Thank you I have learnt a great deal and look forward to implementing some very practical advice. One of the best webinars I have seen for sometime.”

Cathy Geary 1825 Financial Planning

If you want even more (plus reminders on what I mentioned during the talk), then read my 6 tips for effective communication and ask yourself how many of those do I follow each time I sit down to write something?

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