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“The higher you go, the more important [communication] is.How else do you change the world, dent the universe, influence, persuade, and change people’s hearts,

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“Would you like to be our celebrant?” My good friend, Shankari Raj asked me on the way into a music festival over the summer.

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Recent research by Invesco found that listening was the skill advisers most wanted to enhance. So why is it so tricky? What gets in

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How to offer a third party to someone over 85 without sounding rude? How do you position the vulnerability question to a client who

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Have you ever felt overwhelmed, undervalued or too thinly spread? Do you ever get that sense of dread if you see a client’s name

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Last month I ran a session at the Paraplanner Assembly’s Big Day Out with Mel Holman from CATS on the “Three things that get

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Last week I was delivering a session for 3 managers, which was originally going to focus on how to have challenging conversations. One manager

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Whether you’re explaining the workings of a discounted gift trust or the ins and outs of flexible access draw downs, it’s very easy to

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The popular Communicate for Impact programme by Melissa Kidd of Motem has been featured on the Professional Paraplanner website this month. Professional Paraplanner is a

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Ahead of world mental health day on Sunday 10th October, I wanted to share 5 healthy reminders, which are things that I come back

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As we head into the festivities, which can be a time of much joy and celebration, it can also be a time of comparisons, pressure, disappointment and loneliness. A time where the critic can revel, if we are not paying attention.

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Virtual meetings, now woven into the fabric of everyday, are here to stay. So, what are the are the new rules? How can you come across as a trustworthy, confident, impactful speaker? What are the tips and tricks that can produce a professional result? And how do you avoid the pitfalls that can rob you of effectiveness?

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