
Make yourself Memorable

Ensure key people remember you and the value you create

Why this?

Our lead-generating ability is directly correlated to the way we describe our proposition in conversation. Given its importance, it is rarely given the attention it deserves by technical professionals. This can mean opportunities are missed as people don’t remember what we do or why we’re different.

Who is it for?

It is for professionals who often get glazed looks when describing what they do. It is for those who find articulating why they are different challenging.  It is also suitable for business developers who struggle to convey their proposition in a concise, interesting and memorable way.

What’s it about?

Having studied what make some people and their propositions more memorable than others Melissa Kidd has pulled together 7 principles.  This interactive, communication skills session shows delegates how to apply them to their unfolding business development conversations.

By the end of the session delegates will have:

  • Techniques to ensure people want to hear what they have to say
  • 3 concise, clear and conversational introductions that they feel confident using
  • An awareness of the 3 mistakes people tend to make when answering, “What do you do?”
  • A formula for telling stories that demonstrate their credibility
  • Worked on a memorable metaphor to illustrate their offering or positioning
  • Identified ways to keep strengthening their key relationships – without being a pest
  • Lots of time to practice and discuss how to apply the principles to their messages
  • An understanding of how to avoid being remembered for the wrong reasons
  • Increased confidence, motivation to get out there and meet more prospects.

How long is it?

3.5 hours

How many can attend the session?

12 people

What have others said?

“Melissa specialises in understanding what makes people tick and then shows us how to communicate so that it sticks. Our team have benefitted greatly from her sessions.” Kyle Lomas, Regional Underwriting Manager NIG FarmWeb & NIG Commercial

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“After working with Melissa, I learned to describe a succinct way of explaining what my job role is in simple language and by using metaphors. I utilise this all the time now, both at work when I meet new people, and in my private life, finding that it easily draws others into conversation as they are usually intrigued.”

Sybil Pereira, DipPFS, Product Manager for Protection, Coutts

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