negotiation training courses skills strategies

How to Negotiate and Write Profitable Business

Specialist skills for insurance brokers and underwriters

Why this? Negotiating is such a key part of an insurance professional’s role and yet very often brokers and underwriters receive little training on how to handle this crucial part of the sales process. This means that they can roll over too quickly when they’re faced with push back and end up writing business that is not as profitable as it could have been, if they’d had some effective strategies and skills.

What is this? This interactive and practical day will address some of the typical challenges faced by brokers and underwriters in an increasingly softening market. The session has been tailored for a number of different audiences with specialist case studies so it can be tailored to your team. It covers some foundational topics but it can also be adapted so that it is more suitable for an experienced audience.

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Prepare so that the 5 common mistakes can be easily avoided
  • Recognise 5 key principles
  • Identify how to build trust with brokers’ and underwriters’ brains.
  • Use a checklists for first meetings and first calls to maximise the opportunities
  • Listen at a deeper level using tactics from hostage negotiators
  • Ask powerful questions and use effective phrases to encourage the other side to open up
  • Communicate the benefits of your proposition to your brokers and insureds
  • Respond appropriately when faced with pushback, stand off or if caught off guard
  • Flex their style so that they can build stronger relationships with key underwriters and/or challenging brokers or if caught off guard.

How long is it? 6 hours

This is followed up with a 75 min coaching call 6 weeks later.

A one hour webinar is also an option and perfect for CII CPD sessions. During these, we focus on the 5 common mistakes.

Who is running it? Melissa Kidd, Director of Motem Ltd which specialises in helping insurance professionals to communicate more effectively. She’s worked with the CII since 2012 as well as Zurich, Tokio Marine HCC, Allianz, Marsh, NIG, Lycetts, Broker Network, BIBA and Higos to name a few.

Who else has been trained in negotiation by you?

“We have found that your approach to tailoring the training to be specific to insurance (and not generic) has gone down really well with the audiences. All the courses have been received really positively by all participants, with the overall Net Promoter Score results looking very strong”. 


“The “Negotiation Skills for Brokers” session was excellent – it was tailored to our audience’s needs, very relevant and engaging.  The scores: 70% rated it very highly. Melissa’s training sessions have been well received across our membership because she understands the industry well, appreciates how people learn and can clearly communicate.”

Gail Braithwaite

Head of Member Support |Training Academy, Broker Network

Get in touch

Professional negotiation training can help you to strike a good deal. If you’re interested in Motem’s How to Negotiate and Write Business course, why not get in touch?

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